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Arrow Books The Pride and the Anguish Reeman Douglas

Arrow Books The Pride and the Anguish Reeman Douglas

цена 2 382 руб.
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November, 1941: The War in the Pacific • Lieutenant Ralph Trewin, D.S.C., arrives at Singapore as second-in-command of the shallow-draught gunboat, H.M.S. Porcupine • To Trewin, still shocked from wounds received during the evacuation of Crete, the gunboat and her five elderly consorts seem to symbolise the ignorance and blind optimism he finds in Singapore. And the captain of the Porcupine is as unwilling as the rest to take heed of Trewin's alarm, for to him the gunboat represents his last chance • The following month, the Japanese invade Malaya. In three months, Singapore, the impregnable fortress, knows the humiliation of surrender • Through the misery and despair of this bloody campaign, Trewin and his captain are forced to draw on each other's beliefs and weaknesses, and together they weld the little gunboat into a symbol of bravery and pride подробнее
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February 1943: As the balance of the war slowly shifts in Britain's favour, Lieutenant-Commander Steven Marshall brings his battle-scarred submarine into home port • Captain and crew are exhausted after fourteen months' continuous service, but for most there can be no thought of leave. If the enemy collapse in North Africa is to be exploited, every experienced man will be needed. Marshall must return to the Mediterranean, but this time to a very different kind of war • For his new command is secret and extremely hazardous - a captured German U-boat
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2 382 руб.
"Лорд Джон и Братство клинка" - первая книга из серии "Лорд Джон Грей" Дианы Гэблдон, действие которой происходит в том же мире, что и в ее романах "Чужестранка" • На дворе 1758 год, и Европа охвачена смятением - Семилетняя война набирает обороты, а Лондон полон обмана. Загадочный лорд Джон Грей, дворянин и высокопоставленный офицер армии Его Величества, преследует тайную любовную связь и смертельно опасную семейную тайну • В поисках истины Грей сталкивается с опасностями и запретными страстями - от казарм и плац-парадов до кровавых полей сражений в Пруссии. Но именно в каменистых долинах Озерного края он находит человека, у которого, возможно, есть ключ к его поискам: загадочного заключенного-якобита Джейми Фрейзера • Книга на английском языке
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2 382 руб.
GIGGED goes inside the Silicon Valley companies leading the way to this emerging ‘gig economy’. It tells the stories of the workers – from computer programmers to online comment moderators – who are getting by in a new wave of precarious, short-term employment. And it sketches out what tomorrow’s economy might look like: one where the fortunate get to work when they want, how they want, while the rest live lives of extraordinary hardship • It might just be the future of work for all of us
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When the Titanic sank, so did the Edwardian age that created it. In this brilliantly original history, Gareth Russell recasts a tragedy we think we know to explore an era of seismic change • With new research and previously unseen first-hand accounts, Gareth Russell peers through the most famous portholes in the world to follow six travellers. Amongst them, a Jewish-American immigrant, an American movie star, a member of the British nobility, and a titan of industry. Setting these lives against that of the Titanic, Russell investigates social class, technological advancement, political turmoil and pioneering ambition in an age that swang between folly and brilliance, hubris and triumph • A dramatic history of human endeavour told through extraordinary, diverse personalities, The Ship of Dreams dispels myth to revive the story of a ship that was to become symbolic of its own doomed era
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A raucous, rhyming tale that will have children (and adults) in fits of laughter! • Cat is sitting on his favourite mat, when who should come along but Rat with a very nice hat? Cat wants Rat’s hat and will stop at NOTHING to get it. But when Bat arrives wearing a fancy cravat, well, what could be better than that? Chaos ensues as both Cat and Rat decide they MUST have Bat’s fancy cravat for themselves! • From Em Lynas and Matt Hunt comes this hilarious, read-aloud picture book, bursting with comic capers and animal antics • With a hilarious, tongue-twister text, slapstick humour, bright neon artwork and colourful, comic characters • Perfect for fans of Oi Frog!
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В этих двух захватывающих романах Герберт Уэллс рисует ужасающее будущее, в котором под угрозой оказывается сама цивилизация • Рассказчик "Войны миров" быстро обнаруживает, что то, что казалось падающей звездой, на самом деле было металлическим цилиндром, приземлившимся с Марса. Шесть миллионов человек начинают в панике покидать Лондон, когда появляются захватчики с щупальцами и захватывают город. Можно ли что-нибудь сделать, чтобы остановить марсиан? • В "Войне в воздухе" наивный, но находчивый Берт Смоллуэйз приходит в восторг от скорости и очарован новыми летательными аппаратами. Любопытство случайно увлекает его в немецкий план завоевания Америки, начинающийся с разрушения Нью-Йорка. Легкость передвижения в воздушной войне означает, что ничто и никто не находится в безопасности, когда вспыхивает Тотальная война, цивилизация рушится, а надежды Берта вернуться в Лондон, чтобы жениться на своей возлюбленной, кажутся невероятно далекими
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The dramatic World War Two maritime thriller novel from the bestselling author of naval historical fiction, including the hugely popular Richard Bolitho novels, written under the pseudonym of Alexander Kent. A must-buy for anyone interested in the Royal Navy and the perils of war at sea • The mine is an impartial killer, and a lethal challenge to any volunteer in the Special Countermeasures of the Royal Navy during the naval battles of the Second World War. They are brave, lonely men with something to prove or nothing left to lose. Lieutenant-Commander David Masters, haunted by a split second glimpse of the mine that destroyed his first and only command, H. M. Submarine Tornado, now defuses 'the beast' on land and teaches the same deadly science to others who too often die in the attempt
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2 382 руб.
Malta 1941. To most people HMS Saracen is just an ugly, obsolete ship with an equally ugly recent history: her last commander is due for court-martial after shelling the troops he was sent to protect. But to Captain Richard Chesnaye she brings back memories - memories of the First World War when he and the old monitor went through the Gallipoli campaign together. It seems that captain and ship are both past their best. But as the war enters a new phase Chesnaye senses the possibility of a fresh, significant role - for him and the Saracen
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Sweeping historical drama from the Top Ten Sunday Times bestselling author • A keepsake collection of Lord John Grey's shorter adventures and a spectacular addition to any Gabaldon fan's library, Lord John and the Hand of the Devils brings these three unique novellas together for the first time • Lord John and the Hellfire Club marks the first appearance of Lord John outside the Outlander novels (and chronologically precedes the novel Lord John and the Private Matter). A young diplomat is killed in the street as he begs Lord John for help. Witnessing the murder, Grey vows to avenge the young man, as the trail leads to the notorious Hellfire Club and the dark caves beneath Medmenham Abbey • In Lord John and the Succubus, Grey's assignment as liaison to a Hanoverian regiment in Germany finds him caught between two threats: the advancing French and Austrian army, and the menace of a mysterious 'night-hag,' who spreads fear and death among the troops
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2 144 руб.
Однажды холодной ночью двое новичков выходят на улицы Нью-Йорка 1899 года, и все уже никогда не будет по-старому • Но эти двое больше, чем чужаки на этой земле, они чужаки в этом мире. Из глубин фольклорной истории появился голем Хава, существо, сделанное из глины, оживленное опальным раввином и Ахмадом, джинном, родившимся в древней сирийской пустыне и заключенным в старую медную колбу, случайно выпущенную жестянщиком в магазине Нижнего Манхэттена • Два товарища, которым никогда не суждено было освободиться и никогда не суждено было встретиться. И когда они это сделают, их противоположные натуры будут скреплены особой связью, но такой, которой угрожают наблюдающие глаза, бродячие владельцы и непонимающий мир • Книга на английском языке • For fans of The Essex Serpent and The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
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The year is 1757. On a bright June day, Lord John Grey emerges from his club, his mind in turmoil. A nobleman and a high-ranking officer in His Majesty's Army, Grey has just witnessed something shocking. But his efforts to avoid a scandal that might destroy his family are interrupted by something still more urgent: the Crown appoints him to investigate the brutal murder of a comrade-in-arms, who might well have been a traitor • Obliged to pursue two inquiries at once, Major Grey finds himself ensnared in a web of treachery and betrayal that touches every level of society - and threatens all he holds dear. From the bawdy-houses of London's night world to the drawing rooms of the nobility, from the blood of a murdered corpse to the thundering seas of the East India Company, Lord John follows the elusive trail of the woman in green who may hold the key to everything - or to nothing at all
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2 144 руб.
Издание полностью на английском языке • Jean Le Viste, a fifteenth-century nobleman close to the King, hires an ambitious artist to design six tapestries celebrating his rising status at Court. A talented miniaturist, Nicolas des Innocents overcomes his surprise at being offered this commission when he catches sight of his patron's sumptuous daughter, Claude • In Brussels, renowned weaver Georges de la Chapelle takes on the biggest challenge of his career. Never before has he attempted a work that puts so much at stake. Sucked into a world of temptation and seduction, he and his family are consumed by the project and by their dealings with the rogue painter from Paris
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