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Arrow Books The Last Raider Reeman Douglas

Arrow Books The Last Raider Reeman Douglas

цена 2 382 руб.
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December 1917: Germany opens the final, bitter round of the war with a new and deadly weapon in the struggle for the seas - the Vulcan • When she sails from Kiel Harbour, she is, to all appearances, a harmless merchant vessel. But her peaceful lines conceal a merciless firepower: guns, mines and torpedoes that can be brought into play instantly • The Vulcan is a commerce raider. And under crack commander Felix von Steiger, her mission is to bring chaos to the seaways • Her enemies have no idea what lies in store подробнее
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Twenty-five years ago, HMS Terrapin was part of a crack hunter-killer group in the Battle of the Atlantic. Now she is working out her last commission in the Gulf of Thailand • To Lieutenant-Commander Standish, the frigate seems to mark the end of his hopes of a career in the Navy. Then a new captain arrives, a man driven by an old-fashioned, almost obsessive patriotism. And under his stubborn leadership, Standish and the crew discover a long-forgotten unity of purpose • She was one of the deadliest ships of the war. Her greatest heroics may still lie ahead
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2 382 руб.
They're called The Glory Boys, by those who regard their exploits with envy or contempt • January 1943: Glory Boy Bob Kearton - already a veteran and survivor of the close action in the English Channel and North Sea - is ordered to the Mediterranean and beleaguered Malta, a mere sixty miles from occupied Sicily • Unexpectedly promoted to lieutenant-commander, he is given charge of a newly formed and, as yet, incomplete flotilla of motor torpedo boats • Although the tide of defeat is thought to be turning, with the enemy no longer advancing along the North African coast, Kearton's is a new war of stealth, subterfuge, and daring, in which the Glory Boys are only too expendable
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2 382 руб.
HMS Temeraire: latest and most advanced of Britain's nuclear submarines. When Temraire's trials are cut short and she is ordered to the Far East to reinforce the fleet against a threat from Red China, her captain, David Jermain, knows that this is no routine exercise in flag-waving. And once in Asian waters, he and his submarine find themselves involved in a hidden undeclared conflict beneath the sea. While the politicians haggle over a situation which could hold the seeds of full-scale war, Commander Jermain must keep his faith in himself and in his new ship's potential - even when ordered to take the Temeraire to the edge of a catastrophe
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2 382 руб.
1941: the S.S. Benbecula is already old when she is turned into an armed merchant cruiser, • Yet even she is needed to protect the vital Atlantic sea lanes • Commander Lindsay, her new captain, has to work desperately to mould the ship's company - raw recruits and old timers - into a fighting force • And better than anyone, Lindsay knows this could be his last command, his last chance
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2 382 руб.
A classic of naval fiction from 'the master of the modern sea story' • HMS Wagtail is a river gunboat, a ship seemingly at the end of her useful life, lying in a Hong Kong dockyard awaiting her last summons to the breakers' yard. Commander Justin Rolfe is also seemingly at the end of his useful naval life, an embittered man, brooding and angry from a court-martial verdict. Then the offshore island of Santu is threatened with invasion from the Chinese mainland. The small British community must be brought out and Commander Rolfe and the Wagtail are ordered to the island. The job is regarded with sullen resentment by his crew, but to Rolfe, and even the ship, it is a job that offers the chance of a reprieve and a restoration of self respect
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2 382 руб.
"Вечный день" - роман-антиутопия Эндрю Мюррея • 2059 год. Земля на грани полного вымирания: тридцать лет назад вселенская катастрофа привела к остановке вращения планеты. Сохранилось лишь несколько государств, самым мощным из которых является Британия, лежащая в сумеречной зоне. Установившийся в ней изоляционистский режим за счет геноцида и безжалостной эксплуатации беженцев из Европы обеспечивает коренным британцам сносное существование. Но Элен Хоппер, океанолог, предпочитает жить и работать подальше от властей, на платформе в Атлантическом океане. Правда, когда за ней из Лондона прилетают агенты службы безопасности, требующие, чтобы она встретилась со своим умирающим учителем, Элен соглашается - и невольно оказывается втянута в круговорот событий, которые могут стать судьбоносными для всего человечества
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The third title in Paul Scott's masterpiece, The Raj Quartet, dramatised by Radio 4 • It is the last, bitter days of World War II and the British Raj in India is crumbling. Ensconced in the Indian Hill Station of Pankot are the English wives, mothers, daughters and widows of the officers embroiled in the ongoing conflict. With their old beliefs and assumptions under increasingly virulent attack, all eyes are upon Captain Merrick and the British military to protect them in this troubled time. But Merrick, though outwardly a consummate professional, is brutal and corrupt, and not even his machinations can stop the change that is swiftly and inevitably approaching, change which is increasingly undermining the old myth of British invincibility
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
1914-1918 ... This is the third book in the Blackwood saga. For three generations, members of the Blackwood family served the Royal Marines with distinction. With the outbreak of World War I, at last comes Jonathan Blackwood's turn to carry the family name into battle • But as the young marines embark for the Dardanelles, and a new kind of warfare, it dawns on them that the days of scarlet coats and an unchanging tradition of honour and glory have gone forever. First in Gallipoli, and two years later at Flanders, comes their horrifying initiation into a wholesale slaughter for which no training could ever have prepared them • Caught up in the savagery of a conflict beyond any officer's control, Blackwood's future rests on the 'horizon' - the dark lip of the trench which was the last fateful sight for so many
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
1899, China. The Mandarins are becoming troublesome again and there are rumors that attacks will soon begin on British trade missions and legations. Captain David Blackwoodof the Royal Marines, received a VC in the bloody battle for Benin, Africa but is now being packed off to this apparent backwater • But there are plenty of troubles in store for Blackwood in the shape of an errant nephew and a beautiful German Countess who insists he personally escort her up river on a small steamer into the heart of the country.China is a sleeping tiger that will soon awake when the Boxer Rebellion erupts into bloody war in 1900. True to their motto, the Royal marines are the first to land - and the last to leave • This is the second novel in the Blackwood saga, spanning 150 years in the history of a great seafaring family and the tradition in which they served
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Your worst nightmare is back on your doorstep • When Jules Bright hears a knock on the door, the last person she expects to find is a detective bringing her the news she's feared for the last three years • Amelia Quentin is being released from prison • Jules's life is very different now to the one she'd known before Amelia shattered it completely. Knowing the girl is coming back she needs to decide what to do. Friends and family gather round, fearing for Jules's safety. They know that justice was never served; every one of them wants to make the Quentin girl pay • The question is, what will Jules do; and which of them - her or Amelia - has the most to fear?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Outside a London theatre a throng of people wait expectantly for the last performance of a popular musical. But as the doors open at last, something spoils all thought of entertainment: a man in the queue is found murdered by the deadly thrust of a stiletto
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Soraya knows she could never fall for someone like Magnus. He's her complete opposite in every way • Popular and confident, Magnus seems to have his life figured out, while Soraya has got to twenty-one and has somehow never been kissed • Soraya's mother Neda also knows what it's like to feel mismatched. She left Iran with her husband in the wake of revolution, and the aftershocks of that decision are still being felt decades later • When Soraya sets her sights on Magnus for her first kiss, the last thing she expects to find is first love • But sometimes the person you least expect might turn out to be the perfect fit • With unforgettable characters at its heart, THE MISMATCH is a pitch-perfect coming-of-age story and a fresh take on how what you think you want isn't always what brings you happiness
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