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Arrow Books Sweet Tomorrows Macomber Debbie

Arrow Books Sweet Tomorrows Macomber Debbie

цена 1 092 руб.
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The final novel in the beloved Rose Harbor series, from international bestseller, Debbie Macomber • Jo Marie thought that Mark was the one - but now he's left Rose Harbor and she is unsure if he's ever coming back. The Rose Harbor Inn doesn't seem the same without him but Jo Marie knows she has to move on with her life • Emily has suffered heartbreak and is hoping that a long stay in the inn will be exactly what she needs to get her life on track again. She doesn't expect to meet a neighbour and form an unexpected bond. The last thing she was looking for was a relationship, but is she willing to take a chance? • The Rose Harbor Inn has always been a special place of healing. Can it work its magic one more time? подробнее
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