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Arrow Books Stately Pursuits Ффорд Кэти

Arrow Books Stately Pursuits Ффорд Кэти

цена 2 142 руб.
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'I don't suppose you'd care to house-sit for a while...' • Hetty Longden's mother thinks that looking after Great Uncle Samuel's crumbling stately home will be just the thing for Hetty's broken heart. Hetty doesn't mind; at least she can be miserable in private. But 'private' is a relative term in a village which revolves around the big house. Particularly when you are expected to thwart Great Uncle Samuel's awful heir, and his nefarious plans for his inheritance • Pitchforked into the community's fight to save the manor, Hetty has no time to wallow. And once she has shared her troubles with one neighbour (Caroline: a very understanding shoulder, despite her glamorous appearance and impossibly long legs), and cast an appreciative eye over another (Peter: equally long-legged, but offering rather more practical help), she wonders if her heart is irretrievably broken after all подробнее
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"Хайлендская интрижка" - любовный роман Кэти Ффорд • Когда твой парень называет тебя импульсивной, что ты делаешь? • Если вы Дженни Портер, то, конечно, вы мчитесь в Шотландию с твердым намерением спасти обанкротившуюся текстильную фабрику • Вот так Дженни сталкивается с неловкими встречами с грубым, но обескураживающе привлекательным Россом Грантом • А потом, как раз когда отношения между Дженни и Россом перерастают во что-то более интересное, в Шотландию приезжает ее бойфренд Генри • Должна ли она поступить разумно и последовать за Генри обратно в Лондон? • Или, может быть, ее приключение в горах - нечто большее, чем просто интрижка? • Книга на английском языке • When your boyfriend calls you impulsive, what do you do? • If you're Jenny Porter, you dash off to Scotland determined to save a failing textile mill, of course
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
All you need is love. A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Recipe for Love, A French Affair and The Perfect Match • Sarah Stratford is a wedding planner hiding a rather inconvenient truth - she doesn't believe in love. Or not for herself, anyway. But as the confetti flutters away on the June breeze of yet another successful wedding she somehow finds herself agreeing to organise two more, on the same day and only two months away • Luckily Sarah has two tried and tested friends on hand to help her. Elsa, an accomplished dress designer who likes to keep a very low profile, and Bron, a multi-talented hairdresser who lives with her unreconstructed boyfriend and who'd like to go solo in more ways than one • As the big day draws near, all three women find that patience is definitely a virtue in the marriage game
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Anna has risked everything to buy and renovate a beautiful cottage • The outside is perfect, but inside all is chaos: with a ladder for a staircase, no downstairs flooring, candles the only form of lighting and a sleeping bag and camping mat for a bed, Anna's soon wondering whether she's bitten off more than she can chew • Her neighbour Chloe comes to the rescue, providing tea, wine and sympathy. But just as Anna's starting to believe she's found the perfect idyll, good-looking but impossible Rob Hunter arrives on the scene, putting up more obstacles than the Grand National • Can Anna have it all? A dream house and the perfect man?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Love will find a way. A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Recipe for Love, A French Affair and The Perfect Match • Polly is in her thirties, lives in a small town, has a cat and a Rayburn oven on which she loves to cook • What more could she need? Certainly not a man • Besides, Polly’s life is complicated enough. She has her job at the Whole Nut cafe and a fledgling pottery career she’s trying to get off the ground • And then she meets David, and before she knows it he has turned her life and all her sensible plans upside down • Should she yield to his temptations or resist? • After all, and as she has told her mother and friends, love is over-rated. Isn’t it?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
A wonderfully romantic novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Rose Petal Summer and A Country Escape • Jo Edwards never planned to live on a barge. She's not even sure she likes boats. But when her husband trades her in for a younger model, she finds her options alarmingly limited • Dora Hamilton never planned to run out on her own wedding. But as The Big Day approaches, her cold feet show no signs of warming up - and accepting Jo's offer of refuge aboard The Three Sisters seems the only alternative • As Jo and Dora embark on reorganising their muddled lives, they realise they both need a practical way to keep themselves afloat. But, despite their certainty that they've sworn off men for good, they haven't bargained for the persistent intervention of attractive but enigmatic Marcus, and laid-back, charming Tom, who both seem determined to help them whether they like it or not
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Has Laura found her leading man? A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of A Rose Petal Summer, A Vintage Wedding and A Summer at Sea • Falling in love can be all too easy • When the bookshop where Laura works is about to close, she finds herself agreeing to help organise a literary festival • Laura’s initial excitement turns to dread when an innocent mistake leads the festival organisers to believe that Laura is a close friend of Dermot Flynn. An infamous writer at the top of their wish list and a notorious recluse to boot • Always one to rise to a challenge, Laura sets off for Ireland to convince her literary hero to attend the festival • Falling for him was never part of the plan…
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Can love be about to bloom? A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Recipe for Love, A French Affair and The Perfect Match • Althea lives in a too large a house with worrisome mortgage payments, has a bossy younger sister and an irksome ex-husband. She always manages to muddle through no matter what, but everything changes when she loses her job • Althea decides to seek solace in a borrowed greenhouse and to develop her passion for gardening. When she wins the opportunity to design a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show with the unexpected help of the gorgeous architect Patrick Donahugh, it looks as though Althea may have unearthed a new man as well as a new career
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
A stall at a farmers' market, a sprig of mistletoe, and a spontaneous kiss from a tall, attractive stranger • Nel is the owner of a houseful of animals and the organiser of the farmers' market in the picturesque Paradise Fields • She is always super-busy, and the last thing she needs is another complication in her life • But when her old friend and owner of Paradise Fields dies, she knows she must fight to save the meadow and market she loves so dearly • But who can she trust to help her save Paradise Fields? Her sensible boyfriend Simon? Her friends, Sacha and Vivien? Or Jake, the devilishly handsome man who kissed her under the mistletoe
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Иногда ты не можешь убежать от прошлого • Когда Джулия понимает, что испытывает больше привязанности к лабрадору, чем к своему настоящему жениху Оскару, Джулия решает изменить свою жизнь. Она увольняется с работы, бросает Оскара и начинает новую карьеру в качестве повара на паре узкоколейных судов • Наконец-то почувствовав, что она держит голову над водой, Джулия приходит в ужас, когда ее прошлое возвращается, чтобы преследовать ее • Оскар настойчив, ее мать - кошмар для свахи, и в довершение всего на сцене появляется ее враг детства, загадочный Фергус Гриндли • Книга на английском языке • Julia's learning some lessons in love. A wonderfully romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Recipe for Love, A French Affair and The Perfect Match
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When Perdita Dylan delivers her baby vegetables to a local hotel and finds that her unpredictable ex-husband, Lucas, has taken over the kitchen, she is horrified - particularly when she discovers he's being groomed as the latest celebrity chef and needs her picturesque, if primitive cottage, and her, in supporting roles • Her life is further complicated when Kitty, her 87-year-old friend, has a stroke. Perdita needs someone to lean on - and Lucas seems so keen to help that she starts to wonder if he's really such a villain. Can she cope with all this alone? Or should she face up to the fact that 'You can't cuddle lettuces'?
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A gloriously witty novel from Sebastian Faulks using P.G. Wodehouse’s much-loved characters, Jeeves and Wooster, fully authorised by the Wodehouse estate • Bertie Wooster is staying at the stately home of Sir Henry Hackwood in Dorset. He is more than familiar with the country-house set-up: he is a veteran of the cocktail hour and, thanks to Jeeves, his gentleman’s personal gentleman, is never less than immaculately dressed • On this occasion, however, it is Jeeves who is to be seen in the drawing room while Bertie finds himself below stairs – which he doesn’t care for at all • His predicament is, of course, all in the name of love …
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2 144 руб.
Memories are short on HMS Royston - they have to be • As mother ship to a battered, war-torn bunch of MTBs she must carry out her vital role whatever the conditions, whatever the risk • Sub-Lieutenant Royce is newly assigned to MTB 1991, joining a crew already seasoned by death and fear • Now with only three months' sea-experience behind him, Royce must learn the job the hard way - in the tough school of combat • A classic tale of naval warfare from Douglas Reeman, the all-time bestselling master of naval fiction, who served with the Royal Navy on convoy duty in the Atlantic, the Arctic and the North Sea. He has written dozens of naval books under his own name and the pseudonym Alexander Kent, including the famous Richard Bolitho books set during the Napoleonic Wars
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
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