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Arrow Books Sarum Резерфорд Эдвард

Arrow Books Sarum Резерфорд Эдвард

цена 3 113 руб.
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Five Interconnected Families • Sarum weaves an enthralling saga of five families - the Wilsons, the Masons, the family of Porteus, the Shockleys, and the Godfreys - who reflect the changing character of Britain • Centuries of Turmoil and Tyranny • In a novel of extraordinary richness, the whole sweep of British civilization unfolds through the story of one place, Sailsbury, from beyond recorded time to the present day. The landscape - as old as time itself - shapes the destinies of the five families • An Epic Saga • Tracing historical moments from the Ice Age through to the present day, all set against the backdrop of an ever-changing England, Sarum is a novel of breathtaking scope, perfect for fans of Ken Follett and Diana Gabaldon подробнее
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The new epic novel from the bestselling author of Sarum, Russka, London and The Forest • Edward Rutherfurd's great Irish epic reveals the story of the people of Ireland through the focal point of the island's capital city. The epic begins in pre-Christian Ireland during the reign of the fierce and powerful High Kings at Tara, with the tale of two lovers, the princely Conall and the ravishing Deirdre, whose travails echo the ancient Celtic legend of Cuchulainn. From this stirring beginning, Rutherfurd takes the reader on a graphically realised journey through the centuries. Through the interlocking stories of a powerfully-imagined cast of characters - druids and chieftains, monks and smugglers, merchants and mercenaries, noblewomen, rebels and cowards - we see Ireland through the lens of its greatest city
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"Нью-Йорк" Эдварда Резерфорда - захватывающий, эпический роман о величайшем городе в мире • От пустого величия Нового Света до небоскребов города, который никогда не спит, от интимных подробностей давно забытых жизней до тех, которые проживаются сегодня с головокружительной скоростью, нашумевший роман Эдварда Резерферда - настоящая эпопея • Роман начинается с крошечной индийской рыбацкой деревушки и голландских торговцев, которые впервые обрели свои надежды среди великолепия дикой природы. За ними последовали британские поселенцы и торговцы со своими губернаторами-аристократами и непопулярными налогами, которые привели к восстанию, войне, сожжению города и рождению американской нации. И все же страна, которая однажды уже разорвала себя на части, сделала это снова из-за рабства
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Memories are short on HMS Royston - they have to be • As mother ship to a battered, war-torn bunch of MTBs she must carry out her vital role whatever the conditions, whatever the risk • Sub-Lieutenant Royce is newly assigned to MTB 1991, joining a crew already seasoned by death and fear • Now with only three months' sea-experience behind him, Royce must learn the job the hard way - in the tough school of combat • A classic tale of naval warfare from Douglas Reeman, the all-time bestselling master of naval fiction, who served with the Royal Navy on convoy duty in the Atlantic, the Arctic and the North Sea. He has written dozens of naval books under his own name and the pseudonym Alexander Kent, including the famous Richard Bolitho books set during the Napoleonic Wars
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The wonderfully nostalgic, vivid and compelling new novel from the Sunday Times top five bestselling author of A Loving Family • From the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Charity Crosse has been living rough with her grandfather and begging on the streets • When he grandfather passes away, Charity is helped by a kindly doctor who introduces her to bookseller, Jethro Dawkins. Jethro takes Charity in to help in his bookshop and keep house in their one room behind the shop • Charity sleeps under the counter and is not well treated, but Jethro instills in her the love of books that began when her grandmother taught her to read. And she starts to hope for a better future for herself • But Jethro dies unexpectedly, and Charity is faced with eviction when the rent is raised by the unscrupulous landlord
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In the 60s, Ronnie and Reggie Kray were Britain’s most notorious gangsters. With violence and intimidation they were the kings of London. They sipped champagne with celebrities and rubbed shoulders with politicians. They were untouchable • Until they weren’t • After an undercover operation, the Kray twins were found guilty of murder and were sentenced to life in prison. They were just 35 years old • But once inside, the twins were determined to make their stay truly historic. The Twins began earning more money inside than they ever did on the streets. They sold branded t-shirts and memorabilia and they allowed books and films to be published about their lives. They didn't stop • Whilst locked up, their mother died as did their brother Charlie, and their associates and friends all fell away
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Anthony Powell's brilliant twelve novel sequence chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, and is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. It is unrivalled for its scope, its humour and the enormous pleasure it has given to generations • Volume 4 contains the last three novels in the sequence: Books do Furnish a Room; Temporary Kings; Hearing Secret Harmonies
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Without even noticing, Esther Fairchild has become locked into routine • Living with her adored brother, Christian, she divides her time between illustrating children's books, nightly shifts as a waitress, weekly visits to her father and fortnightly meetings with her married lover • Then one day she encounters a face in the crowd which jolts her out of her mundane existence and makes her question both her life and the past that has helped to shape it. Memories she had long chosen to forget begin to resurface. Memories of an eccentric childhood in a large and shabby house, where the children were left to fend for themselves within the loose boundaries of their parents' unorthodox values. A chaotic existence peopled by a rich collection of feckless 'guests'
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2 351 руб.
Лондиниум. Лондон. Сердце Британской империи. Город прекрасных архитектурных памятников. Город великих ученых, писателей и художников. Город, выживший, несмотря на страшную эпидемию чумы и чудовищный пожар, которые практически уничтожили средневековый Лондон... Это захватывающий рассказ о людях, живших в городе от времен древних кельтских племен до наших дней. Увлекательная история многих поколений семей, чьи судьбы переплелись в этом городе: легионеров Юлия Цезаря, вторгшихся на остров два тысячелетия назад, рыцарей-крестоносцев, отправлявшихся отвоевывать Святую землю, свидетелей бурной семейной жизни Генриха VIII, участников постройки театра «Глобус», где играли пьесы Шекспира, свидетелей индустриальной революции нашего времени • Это роман для всех тех, кто побывал в Лондоне и полюбил этот город
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
618 руб.
Город, основанный голландцами в 1626 году и получивший название Новый Амстердам. Город, через пол столетия захваченный англичанами. Город, в конце XVIII века ставший временной столицей США. Нью-Йорк. Сердце Америки. Крупнейший порт, подплывая к которому вы видите символ этой страны — Статую Свободы. Захватывающий рассказ об индейских племенах, живших на территории, где голландцы начнут строить город, который станет потом одной из финансовых столиц мира. Увлекательная история нескольких семей, живших в этом городе на протяжении нескольких столетий. Первые поселенцы, участники Войны за независимость, Гражданской войны, африканские рабы, женщины из высшего общества, строители небоскребов и итальянские мафиози… В романе великолепно сочетаются романтика, семейные драмы и личные победы, в нем блестяще отражены поиск свободы и процветания в самом сердце Америки
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
618 руб.
Город любви. Город роскоши. Город страха. Город веселья. Захватывающая история о том, как небольшое военное поселение древних римлян на топких берегах Сены чудесным образом превратилось в Город Света, эпицентр западной цивилизации.Увлекательная история многих поколений пяти семей, чьи судьбы причудливым образом переплелись в Париже. Аристократов, ведущих свой род от рыцарей Карла Великого, бунтарей, разжигавших огонь Великой французской революции, торговцев, потерявших все во время правления Людовика XV и опять разбогатевших при Наполеоне, простолюдинов с Монмартра, строивших Эйфелеву башню и грабивших богатеев около кабаре «Мулен Руж». Рассказ о любви, предательстве и семейных тайнах, о людях, создавших Париж, великий центр мировой культуры
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
618 руб.
'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers • In this tenth volume, Nick Jenkins and his circle of friends are re-establishing their lives in the wake of war. With the London literary scene starting to find its feet again, things begin to look up for Nick as old acquaintance Quiggin offers him a position at the literary magazine he is launching. Meanwhile, there already seems to be trouble in paradise for the newly married Widmerpool, whose wife, Pamela Flitton, has caught the eye of writer X. Trapnel – a man who exudes in equal measure mystery, talent and an air of self-destruction
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy world that exists in parallel to our own, each owes allegiance either to the Dark or the Light. Night Watch Agent Anton Gorodetsky's holiday is abruptly shortened when an urgent call from Gesar - his boss and Night Watch head - forces him to return to work. Gesar has received an anonymous note, stating that an Other has revealed the full truth about their kind to a human, and intends to convert the human in an Other. The note has also been sent to the Day Watch, and to the Inquisition - but only the very highest-level Others know the addresses. So the Inquisition orders the cooperation of Night and Day Watch in an effort to unmask the culprit
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 230 руб.
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