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Arrow Books Friday's Child Хейер Джоржетт

Arrow Books Friday's Child Хейер Джоржетт

цена 2 382 руб.
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Hero Wantage is desperate to change her fate • When the dashing Lord Sherry proposes out of the blue, Hero is overjoyed - she'll escape a life as a governess and, once they wed, he can finally claim his inheritance • But as Hero attempts to social climb in glamorous London society, Sherry is concerned that her naivety will ruin them both and takes drastic action • The chaos that follows will push friendships - and hearts - to breaking point подробнее
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Если вы любите Бриджертон, вы полюбите Джорджетт Хейер! • Красивый, богатый сэр Уолдо Хокридж вызывает зависть у всех, кто его окружает • Поэтому, когда жители Оверсетта узнают о его предстоящем визите, их охватывает волнение • Но его запланированный визит тоже несколько смущает; не в последнюю очередь мисс Ансиллу Трент, которая беспокоится об отношениях, которые могут сложиться между Уолдо и ее вспыльчивой юной ученицей Тиффани • И когда Уолдо в конце концов прибывает в деревню, его присутствие приводит к самым интересным последствиям… • Книга на английском языке • If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Handsome, wealthy Sir Waldo Hawkridge is the envy of all those around him • So when the people of Oversett get word of his impending visit, excitement ripples
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Если вам пришлась по вкусу история Бриджертонов, вы останетесь в восторге от книг Джорджетт Хейер • Когда леди Хестер Тил узнаёт, что сэр Гарет Ладлоу намерен просить её руки, она знает, что соглашаться на его предложение нельзя • Ведь она чувствует, что его сердце принадлежит другой, и когда сэр Гарет приезжает к ней домой вместе с красавицей Амандой Смит, леди Хестер думает, что её подозрения подтвердились • Но этот вывод оказывается поспешным, ведь Аманда - беглянка, которую Гарет всего лишь хочет вернуть домой в целости и сохранности. И её буйная фантазия заметно усложняет его задачу • Книга на английском языке • If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • When Lady Hester Theale learns Sir Gareth Ludlow is planning to propose to her, she knows she cannot accept
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Serena Carlow's former love now controls her future happiness • After her father's unexpected death, Serena's jilted ex-fiance - the Marquis of Rotherham - is made the sole trustee of her wealth and marriage prospects • Eager for an escape, she moves to Bath and encounters her childhood sweetheart, the dashing Hector Kirkby - but will Rotherham approve the match? • Before long, they are all entangled in a confusion of marriage and manners the likes of which Regency Bath has rarely seen
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • The only question which hangs over the life of Sir Richard Wyndham, notable whip, dandy and Corinthian, is one of marriage • Wyndham is contemplating his upcoming proposal with considerable dismay, when he chances upon a beautiful young fugitive, Penelope, making a dramatic exit from her home. Impressed, intrigued, and a little worse for drink, he decides to help Penelope flee • What follows is a shockingly perilous advantage - one which might just provide Sir Richard with his own opportunity to escape
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Born the illegitimate son of the future Duke of Normandy, William must fight the King of France to regain his Duchy • Spurned in love by the lovely Princess Matilda, William argues hard to make her his bride • Thwarted by the Saxon Earl Harold of a promise of the throne of England, William the Conqueror sails to Hastings to claim the King's crown and sceptre for his own • Written in Heyer's inimitable style, The Conqueror dives deep into William's complex character, his ruthless ambition and both the physical and mental battles he must endure in order to claim King Harold's crown and sceptre for his own
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Nell Cardross and her husband are madly in love • But they're very bad at showing it. While Nell believes her new husband, the Earl, married her out of convenience, Giles Cardross worries that his young wife is more interested in his money than his heart • And Nell's secretive and extravagant spending is becoming a problem • As she attempts to pay off her brother's never-ending gambling debts, and prevent the Earl's half-sister from eloping with a potentially ruinous match, will Nell's heart of gold lead her - and her marriage - into trouble?
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • When Kit Fancot returns on leave from the diplomatic service, he expects to find his loving family at home waiting for him • Instead, he is startled to find his alluring yet extravagant mother on the brink of financial and social ruin. Even more shocking, he is informed that his twin brother Evelyn has vanished without a trace • It's not long before Kit realises the true extent of his family's tangled affairs; it's left to him to set things right • But in the face of Evelyn's continued absence, Kit's ingenuity is stretched to the limit
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Abigail Wendover has no time for love • She is far too busy protecting her niece, who has fallen madly in love with a suspected fortune-hunter • But her efforts become vastly more complicated with the arrival of Miles Calverleigh, the black sheep of his family - a reckless bachelor with a scandalous past • Abby soon discovers that, despite successfully managing her niece's love life, she has far less control over her own unruly heart
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If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Gilly Ware, the shy young Duke of Sale, has never known his parents • Instead, he has endured twenty-four years of pampering and pandering from his uncle and valet, which he accepts without quarrel • But his natural diffidence conceals a rebellious spirit, and when Gilly hears of Belinda, the beautiful foundling who appears to be blackmailing his cousin, he absconds with glee • Yet no sooner has he entered this new and dangerous world than he is plunged into a frenzy of intrigue, kidnap and adventure
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What if you knew a child was in danger – and no one believed you? • Alex Lake’s day job is all about helping people, especially children. She cares about them passionately and does everything in her power to rescue them from those who mean them harm • When the case of three-year-old Ottilie Wade comes to her attention, Alex feels an overpowering need to make a real difference in the little girl's life, but no one is prepared to believe that Ottilie is in danger • In the end, Alex makes a decision that has consequences that no one, least of all Alex, could have foreseen
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"Эти старые тени" - роман Джорджетт Хейер • Леони Боннар оказывается втянутой в двадцатилетнюю вражду • Джастин Аластер, герцог Эйвонский, - достойный порицания повеса, у которого есть топор войны. Десятилетия назад граф де Сен-Вир совершил нечто непростительное, и с тех пор Джастин затаился в засаде, чтобы свести счеты • Когда Джастин встречает Леона, уличного мальчишку, поразительно похожего на его заклятого врага, он намеревается использовать его как пешку в своих планах мести графу. За исключением того, что Леон на самом деле Леони, красивая молодая инженю, которая может просто украсть сердце Джастина • Сможет ли Леони завоевать расположение герцога, или его жажда мести одолеет их обоих? • Книга на английском языке • If you love Bridgerton, you'll love Georgette Heyer! • Leonie Bonnard is being drawn into a twenty-year-old feud
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2 318 руб.
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