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Arrow Books 18th Abduction Паттерсон Джеймс, Paetro Maxine

Arrow Books 18th Abduction Паттерсон Джеймс, Paetro Maxine

цена 2 113 руб.
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Three missing women • When three teachers disappear without a trace, Sergeant Lindsay Boxer takes the lead in the investigation. But with no clues and no suspects, the odds of finding the women alive are getting slimmer by the second • Two impossible cases • Under pressure at work, Lindsay needs support at home. But her husband Joe is drawn into an encounter with a woman who's seen a ghost - a notorious war criminal from her Eastern European home country, walking the streets of San Francisco • One determined detective • When Joe's informant disappears, the two investigations collide. It will take the combined skills of Lindsay, Joe and the entire Women's Murder Club to protect their city, and themselves, from a monster подробнее
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A baby on the way and two killers on the loose • An eccentric professor walks into Detective Lindsay Boxer's homicide department to report a murder that hasn't yet happened • A convicted serial killer wakes from a two-year coma. He says he's ready to tell where the bodies are buried, but does he have a more sinister plan in mind? • Lindsay doesn't have much time to stop a terrifying future from unfolding. But all the crimes in the world seem like nothing when she is suddenly faced with the possibility of the most devastating loss of her life
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2 114 руб.
"Три женщины исчезают" - роман Джеймса Паттерсона и Шана Серафина • Сара, его личный шеф-повар • Анна, его жена • Серена, его горничная • Три женщины исчезают • Бухгалтер мафии Энтони Костелло обладает талантом манипулировать как цифрами, так и людьми. Когда его находят убитым в собственном доме, обнаруживается, что три человека, у которых было больше всего причин желать его смерти, пропали без вести • Детективу Шону Уолшу, чья личная связь с этим делом делает его желание раскрыть его еще сильнее, не хватает зацепок, чтобы разыскать трех пропавших женщин. Но даже если он найдет их живыми, можно ли им доверять? • Книга на английском языке • Sarah, his personal chef • Anna, his wife • Serena, his maid • Three women disappear • Mob accountant Anthony Costello has a talent for manipulating both numbers and people
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Они напали на его семью. Теперь детектив Алекс Кросс жаждет мести • Кросса шокирует новость о жестокой расправе над его племянницей. Он клянётся покарать убийцу и вскоре выясняет, что его племянница вращалась в самых экстравагантных кругах Вашингтона. В кругах, представители которых могут воплотить в жизнь любую фантазию, но примкнуть к ним могут далеко не все • Кросса ждёт столкновение с очень важными, защищёнными и опасными людьми из высших эшелонов общества, готовыми на всё, чтобы их тайны не вышли на свет • И чем ближе Кросс к поимке убийцы, тем больше улик, которые подводят его к откровению, способному потрясти весь мир • "Меня зовут Алекс Кросс" - шестнадцатая книга из цикла "Алекс Кросс" Джеймса Паттерсона • Книга на английском языке • They came for his family
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Did you miss me? • When two dead bodies are found inside a wrecked car on the Golden Gate Bridge, Detective Lindsay Boxer knows it's no accident • As she investigates, disturbing news reaches her ears: a former police colleague, now unmasked as a ruthless murderer, is back in San Francisco after escaping custody, bent on paying a visit to some old friends
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A detective in too deep • Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates a methodical yet unpredictable series of shootings of the homeless in San Francisco. A tip from a confidential informant leads her to disturbing conclusions - something has gone very wrong inside the police department itself • Lindsay's friends in the Women's Murder Club are concerned that she's taking the crimes too much to heart as the hunt for the killer lures Lindsay out of her jurisdiction - and into danger
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Four bodies are found in a luxury hotel • The first is a man who checked in under a false name. Two are in a room next door, full of surveillance equipment. And the fourth is the house maid, who saw too much • Detective Lindsay Boxer is sent in to investigate and hunt down an elusive and dangerous suspect. But when her husband Joe goes missing, she begins to fear that the suspect she is searching for could be him • As the case gets ever more complicated and personal, San Francisco is suddenly faced with an atrocity no one will ever forget • Sometimes secrets can be deadly
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A killer with rich taste • A rock star, a fashion designer, a software tycoon and a millionaire heiress. All glamorous, stunningly attractive, and incredibly rich. All dead. All murdered. All of them Detective Lindsay Boxer's problem • But the frantic media attention on the case distracts from the murder of a local street hero. Only intrepid reporter Cindy Thomas, a member of the Women's Murder Club, is on the case. The victim was celebrated across the city. Who would want to kill him? Could the down-and-out Samaritan have been hiding a dark secret? • With tensions running high in their personal lives, will the Women's Murder Club be strong enough to crack these cases, or will the strain tear them apart?
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A wolf in sheep's clothing • Detective Lindsay Boxer doesn't know who she can trust. A weapon stolen from a police evidence locker is used in a series of vigilante murders, and Lindsay must investigate her closest colleagues and ask herself if they are capable of such heinous crimes • When two severed heads are left in a famous actor's garden, Lindsay is called to investigate the grisly scene, unearthing a third head and wondering how many more she'll find before she catches the killer • Amid the chaos of these crimes, Lindsay struggles with her pregnancy and the vindictive reporter dragging her personal life into the public eye. She and her unborn baby are heading into dangerous territory
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2 114 руб.
Three cities. Three bullets. Three victims • Simultaneous murders hit LA, Chicago and San Francisco. SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer is tasked with uncovering what links these precise and calculated killings • Lindsay discovers that the victims all excel in lucrative, criminal activity. As the casualty list expands, fear and fascination with this shocking spree provoke debate across the country • Are the killers villains or heroes? And who will be next?
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A night of blood • A young mother and her child are ruthlessly gunned down in a shopping centre car park, leaving Detective Lindsay Boxer's nothing to go on but a mysterious word scrawled on the car in blood-red lipstick • The same night, the wife of a Hollywood star walks in on notorious cat burglar "Hello Kitty" mid-jewel theft. Seconds later, the safe is empty, and the woman is dead - but there's more to this cat than meets the eye • As San Francisco descends into hysteria, Lindsay and the Women's Murder Club chase their leads, but soon Lindsay finds herself in danger - and the next blood shed might be her own
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