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Arcturus The Essence of Vedanta Hodgkinson Brian

Arcturus The Essence of Vedanta Hodgkinson Brian

цена 1 961 руб.
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All students of philosophy will relate to the concepts of selfhood, nature, karma and liberation. Here are views and answers to the most important questions. How is self identified? What are the causes and effects in nature? Are our actions determined? What is freedom for a human being? What happens after death? • The Essence of Vedanta examines issues of existential philosophy from the viewpoint of the Veda, the most ancient and sacred of Indian scriptures, and also outlines the work of Sankara, the early medieval master of Vedanta's dominant form, Advaita. The foundation of all Vedic teaching lies in the universal truth that human nature reflects God (Brahman), who exists in every living thing. An individual needs no salvation therefore, because he or she is never lost, but merely living in ignorance of his or her true nature подробнее
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"Chivalry is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than its emblem, the cherry blossom; nor is it a dried-up specimen of an antique virtue preserved in the herbarium of our history. It is still a living object of power and beauty among us" • To many people, the word samurai conjures images of menacing masks, long blades and elaborate armour. However, this classic text by Inazo Nitobe reveals the greater depths to samurai culture - they were not simply warriors but an aristocratic class who practiced literary and military arts in equal measure • Essential to this way of life was the samurai's moral code and the quality of bushido, roughly translated as chivalry. The Way of the Samurai provides an intriguing exploration of bushido and other valued qualities such as rectitude or justice, courage, politeness, veracity, honour, loyalty and self-control
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He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle. John F. Kennedy on Winston Churchill • During the darkest days of World War II, it was Churchill's words alone that offered hope and inspiration to the masses when Hitler sought to destroy the values of civilization. But this is not just another book about Sir Winston Churchill: it is the • authentic voice of the man himself, speaking directly through its pages. This book not only offers insight into Churchill's life and times, but catalogues his personal store of wit, wisdom, and humanity. It is thus a fitting tribute to the greatest statesman of modern times, a man who stamped the mark of his genius upon the history of the twentieth century
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1 902 руб.
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