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Arcturus The Art of Drawing. Create stunning artworks step by step Coleman Vivienne

Arcturus The Art of Drawing. Create stunning artworks step by step Coleman Vivienne

цена 2 941 руб.
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Suitable for beginners and more experienced artists, The Art of Drawing covers a complete range of subject matter, from basic exercises in line and tone, to still life, landscapes, animals, and human portraits. At every stage, the reader will be shown the stages of drawing and be inspired to put pencil to paper. This book does not expect readers to have a background in art, a detailed knowledge of artists or anatomy, just a willingness to learn and experiment, to see the world in a different light, and to simply have fun подробнее
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The Battle of the Bulge was the largest land engagement of World War II. The German counter-attack, spearheaded by three Panzer armies, found the Allies unprepared and ill-equipped. As the fighting raged across the frosty forests of the Ardennes, it was left to a few untested US Infantry divisions to hold the Allied lines. Written by one of the world's leading experts on the subject, this account provides an essential introduction to the events of winter 1944-5 and to the many soldiers who risked their lives in defence of freedom • Drawing on personal interviews, extensive research, and an unparalleled knowledge of the region, Martin King explores one of the most important battles of World War II
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