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Arcturus On Liberty Mill John Stuart

Arcturus On Liberty Mill John Stuart

цена 1 092 руб.
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In this, his most influential work, the great political and social thinker John Stuart Mill (1806a€“73) examines the relationship of the individual and the state, the ethics of utilitarianism and the essential liberties of individuals, beginning with the right to free thought and speech подробнее
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В книге "О свободе", одной из самых влиятельных философских работ, Джон Стюарт Милль исследует риски и ответственность свободы. Исследуя тиранию, которая может исходить как от правительства, так и от стадного инстинкта, Милль предлагает свободу мыслить, объединяться и достигать свои цели как наиболее важные свободы, при условии, что мы не причиняем вреда другим • Книга на английском языке • In one of the most influential philosophical works ever writen, John Stuart Mill explores the risks and responsibilities of liberty. Examining the tyranny that can come both from government and from the herd-like opinion of the majority, Mill proposes a freedom to think, unite, and pursue our pleasures as the most important freedoms, as long as we cause no harm to others
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A serving politician as well as liberal theorist, Mill was a passionate advocate of equality for women. In this short but powerful essay he explains his argument, against the norms of Victorian Britain, that society, not nature, dictates that women submit to men
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Одна из наиболее важных философских школ девятнадцатого века, утилитаризм, выдвигает точку зрения, согласно которой ценность или правильность действия зависит от того, насколько хорошо оно способствует благополучию тех, кого оно затрагивает • Джереми Бентам (1748-1832) был основателем движения, таким же социальным реформатором, как и философом. Его величайший интерпретатор Джон Стюарт Милль (1806-73) стремился очеловечить прагматический утилитаризм Бентама, уравновесив требования разума и воображения, индивидуальности и социального благополучия в таких эссе, как "Бентам", "Кольридж" и, прежде всего, "Утилитаризм". Работы Бентама и Милля, собранные в книге "Утилитаризм и другие эссе", показывают создание и развитие системы этики, которая оказала ключевое влияние на моральную философию и законодательную политику
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This deluxe gift edition of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species is presented with gold-embossed cover design with gilded page-edges and beautiful endpapers • The controversial theory of natural selection proposed in this book made Darwin internationally famous and put the issue of evolution at the center of a fierce debate. Some 150 years after the book's first publication, this battle still rages • Appearing here in this beautiful foil-stamped edition, On the Origin of Species includes a fascinating preface by George Davidson and includes over 100 delicately detailed and informative contemporary illustrations, many of them relating to Darwin's discoveries on H.M.S. Beagle. The text used for this edition was the last to be published during Darwin's lifetime and is considered to be the definitive version
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Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' is a book that changed the way we think about the development of life on earth. The text used for this edition was the last to be published during Darwin's lifetime and is considered to be the definitive version
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On a bitter evening in the depths of winter, a mysterious stranger arrives to the remote English village of Iping, his face swaddled in bandages • The Invisible Man tells the tale of a scientist who has found a way to make himself invisible. To his anger and dismay, however, the experiment appears irreversible. Freed from the constraints of the law and rejected from a society that fears him, Griffin descends into brutality. Wells' disturbing and insightful novel explores the question of morality when a man is free to do as he pleases without risk of being caught
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On holiday in Mykonos, Charlie wants only sunny days and a brief escape from England's bourgeois dreariness. Then a handsome stranger lures the aspiring actress away from her pals--but his intentions are far from romantic. Joseph is an Israeli intelligence officer, and Charlie has been wooed to flush out the leader of a Palestinian terrorist group responsible for a string of deadly bombings. Still uncertain of her own allegiances, she debuts in the role of a lifetime as a double agent in the "theatre of the real." Haunting and deeply atmospheric, John le Carre's The Little Drummer Girl is a virtuoso performance and a powerful examination of morality and justice
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