г. Москва, Московская область

Anna Karenina Leon Tolstoi Gallimard-Folio

«Chaque fois que Vronski lui adressait la parole, un eclair passait dans les yeux d'Anna, un sourire entrouvrait ses levres; et, si desireuse qu'elle parut de la refouler, son allegresse eclatait en signes manifestes. "Et lui?" pensa Kitty. Elle le regarda et fut epouvantee, car le visage de Vronski refletait comme un miroir l'exaltation qu'elle venait de lire sur celui d'Anna».
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Anna Karenina tells the tragic love story between married Anna Karenina and sparkish officer Vronsky is eager to marry Anna, but she is vulnerable to the pressures of Russian social norms and the moral laws of the Russian Orthodox Church
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
911 руб.
Anna Karenina is one of the most loved and memorable heroines of literature. Her overwhelming charm dominates a novel of unparalleled richness and density. Tolstoy considered this book to be his first real attempt at a novel form, and it addresses the very nature of society at all levels,- of destiny, death, human relationships and the irreconcilable contradictions of existence. It ends tragically, and there is much that evokes despair, yet set beside this is an abounding joy in life's many ephemeral pleasures, and a profusion of comic relief
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
652 руб.
Anna Karenina is one of the most loved and memorable heroines of literature. Her overwhelming charm dominates a novel of unparalleled richness and density. Tolstoy considered this book to be his first real attempt at a novel form, and it addresses the very nature of society at all levels,- of destiny, death, human relationships and the irreconcilable contradictions of existence. It ends tragically, and there is much that evokes despair, yet set beside this is an abounding joy in life`s many ephemeral pleasures, and a profusion of comic relief
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
244 руб.
'The greatest love story I've ever read' Andrew Davies • Anna Karenina is a novel of unparalleled richness and complexity, set against the backdrop of Russian high society. Tolstoy charts the course of the doomed love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer who pursues Anna after becoming infatuated with her at a ball. Although she initially resists his charms Anna eventually succumbs, falling passionately in love and setting in motion a chain of events that lead to her downfall. In this extraordinary novel Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together the lives of dozens of characters, while evoking a love so strong that those who experience it are prepared to die for it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
Leo Tolstoy's most personal novel, Anna Karenina scrutinizes fundamental ethical and theological questions through the tragic story of its eponymous heroine. Anna is desperately pursuing a good, "moral" life, standing for honesty and sincerity. Passion drives her to adultery, and this flies in the face of the corrupt Russian bourgeoisie. Meanwhile, the aristocrat Konstantin Levin is struggling to reconcile reason with passion, espousing a Christian anarchism that Tolstoy himself believed in
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
The heroine of Tolstoy's epic of love and self-destruction, Anna Karenina has beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son, but feels that her life is empty until she encounters the impetuous officer Count Vronsky. Their subsequent affair scandalizes society and family alike, and brings jealousy and bitterness in its wake. Contrasting with this is the vividly observed story of Levin, a man striving to find contentment and a meaning to his life - and also a self-portrait of Tolstoy himself. This award-winning translation has been acclaimed as the definitive English version of Tolstoy's masterpiece
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 087 руб.
Tolstoy's epic novel of love, destiny and self-destruction, in a gorgeous new clothbound edition from Penguin Classics • Anna Karenina seems to have everything - beauty, wealth, popularity and an adored son. But she feels that her life is empty until the moment she encounters the impetuous officer Count Vronsky. Their subsequent affair scandalizes society and family alike and soon brings jealously and bitterness in its wake. Contrasting with this tale of love and self-destruction is the vividly observed story of Levin, a man striving to find contentment and a meaning to his life - and also a self-portrait of Tolstoy himself • This acclaimed modern translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky won the PEN/ Book of the Month Club Translation Prize in 2001
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 535 руб.
"One of the greatest love stories in world literature." —Vladimir Nabokov In a novel of unparalleled richness and complexity, set against the backdrop of Russian high society, Tolstoy charts the course of the doomed love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer who pursues Anna after becoming infatuated with her at a ball. Although she initially resists his charms Anna eventually succumbs, falling passionately in love and setting in motion a chain of events that lead to her downfall. In this extraordinary novel, Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together the lives of dozens of characters, while evoking a love so strong that those who experience it are prepared to die for it
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 238 руб.
В романе «Анна Каренина» отразилась со всеми подробностями российская действительность 1870-х годов. Текст вобрал в себя не только приметы времени и характеры персонажей, созданные Л. Н. Толстым на основе многих и многих прототипов, - писатель внес в роман очень много автобиографического, пережитого им самим. Работая над романом, Толстой не вел дневников. «Я все написал в „Анне Карениной“, - говорил он, - и ничего не осталось» • Книга на английском языке • Anna is a beautiful, intelligent woman whose passionate affair with the dashing Count Vronsky leads her to ruin. But her story is also about a search for meaning, and by twinning it with that of Levin, an awkward idealist whose happy marriage and domestic trials form the backdrop for a similar quest, Tolstoy creates a rich and complex masterpiece that has captured the imagination of readers for decades
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 584 руб.
Obra cumbre de Lev Tolstoi (junto a Anna Karenina) y de la narrativa del XIX, Guerra y paz constituye un vasto fresco historico y epico. Con la campana napoleonica -Austerlitz, Borodino o el incendio de Moscu- como trasfondo, se narra la historia de dos familias de la nobleza rusa, los Bolkonski y los Rostov, protagonistas de un mundo que empieza a escenificar su propia desaparicion. Hasta hace pocos anos, todas las traducciones de Guerra y paz se basaban en la edicion canonica de 1873. Sin embargo, en 1983, la Academia Sovietica de Ciencias publico lo que ellos llamaron la «edicion original», es decir, la primera version que Tolstoi escribio en 1866. Es la esplendida traduccion de ese manuscrito original, de la mano de Gala Arias Rubio, la que publicamos en este volumen
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
2 387 руб.
Anna Akhmatova publie son premier recueil en 1912 et s'impose très tôt comme une virtuose de la petite forme lyrique. Classée comme «acméiste» ou «intimiste», elle est plus authentiquement quelqu'un qui cultive un style simple, rigoureux, d'un classicisme qui l'apparente à Pouchkine, même si chez elle toute idée d'imitation est exclue. Après la révolution d'Octobre, elle refuse d'émigrer, quoique suspecte aux autorités nouvelles qui vont, peu à peu, l'interdire de publication. En 1940, cette interdiction est momentanément levée et Anna Akhmatova publie plusieurs poèmes sur la guerre, mais non les textes qui lui tiennent le plus à cœur, comme Requiem ou les suites de poèmes brefs qui évoquent les arrestations massives et le goulag. À nouveau condamnée au silence dès la fin de la guerre, elle continue de composer pour elle-même des textes plus amples comme les «Élégies du Nord», et toujours des suites de textes brefs
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 714 руб.
ANNA TKACHEVA ANNA TKACHEVA Слайдер дизайн для ногтей на светлый фон LUX-001 Для ногтей
Л'Этуаль г. Москва
80 руб.
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