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Alma Books The Prophet Джебран Халиль

Having lived in the city of Orphalese for twelve years, the revered Prophet is about to board a ship taking him back to the isle of his birth. Before he departs, a group of people gather round and ask him to share his wisdom • Written as a collection of poetic essays, and detailing such diverse and sprawling topics as love, death, pleasure and prayer, The Prophet was an immediate success on its initial publication in 1923, and has since been translated into more than a hundred languages. This edition also features the twelve illustrations produced by the author to accompany the text
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‘The whole Prophet is saying one thing • “You are far greater than you know, and all is well.’” • Kahlil Gibran, on The Prophet • Kahlil Gibran s work The Prophet is a beautiful testimony to life. Its uncomplicated wisdom and strikingly simple descriptions speak directly to our hearts and minds, bringing an oasis of calm and relaxation into everyday, busy lives • Centred around the story of a prophet who is leaving his country of exile, the book is a series of short but profound discourses on life, given to the people of Orphalese who arc reluctant to see their beloved seer go • The matters of Love, Marriage, Children, Giving, Eating and Drinking, Work, Joy and Sorrow, Houses, Clothes, Buying and Selling, Crime and Punishment, Freedom, Reason and Passion, Pain, Self-Knowledge
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 248 руб.
‘The whole Prophet is saying one thing: “You are far greater than you know, and all is well • Kahlil Gibran, on The Prophet • Kahlil Gibran's work The Prophet is a beautiful testimony to life. Its uncomplicated wisdom and strikingly simple descriptions speak directly to our hearts and minds, bringing an oasis of calm and relaxation into everyday, busy lives • Centred around the story of a prophet who is leaving his country of exile, the book is a series of short but profound discourses on life, given to the people of Orphalese who are reluctant to see their beloved go
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 092 руб.
Совершенно уникальный и любимый во всем мире "Пророк" представляет собой сборник из двадцати шести поэтических эссе ливанского художника, философа и писателя Халиля Джебрана. Рассказывая историю пророка Аль-Мустафы и его бесед с различными знакомыми, когда он возвращается домой после долгого отсутствия, книга затрагивает темы, волнующие всех, включая любовь, дружбу, страсть, боль, религию и свободу • Книга на английском языке • Thought-provoking, comforting and wise, the simple truths of The Prophet remain compelling and rewarding to this day • Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 444 руб.
"Пророк" представляет собой вершину достижений Халиля Джебрана. Работая на английском языке, Джебран перенял тон и интонацию Библии короля Якова I, соединив свою индивидуальную христианскую философию с восточной мудростью, которые проистекают из богато смешанных влияний его родного Ливана. Его язык обладает захватывающей дух красотой • Прежде чем вернуться на родину, народ Орфалеса обращается к Альмустафе, "пророку", за советом. Его слова, наполненные любовью и пониманием, призывают к всеобщему единству и подтверждают уверенность Джебрана в взаимосвязанной природе всего сущего и в перевоплощении • Книга на английском языке • The Prophet represents the acme of Kahlil Gibran's achievement. Writing in English, Gibran adopted the tone and cadence of King James I's Bible, fusing his personalised Christian philosophy with a spirit and oriental wisdom that derives from the richly mixed influences of his native Lebanon
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 171 руб.
A 20th century classic, The Prophet is thought-provoking, comforting and wise, and its simple truths remain compelling and rewarding to this day • Utterly unique and beloved around the world, The Prophet is a collection of twenty-six poetic essays by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran. Telling the story of the prophet Al-Mustafa and his conversations with various acquaintances as he returns home after a long absence, the book touches on subjects of universal concern, including love, friendship, passion, pain, religion and freedom
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 227 руб.
This deluxe hardback edition presents Gibran's poetic masterpiece The Prophet, featuring gilded page edges, beautiful black and white illustrations and a foil-embossed cover design • The Prophet is a concise but deeply profound prose poem set in the city of Orphalese. Before leaving on a journey to his homeland, the prophet Almustafa imparts words of wisdom to the crowds, touching on occasions of birth, marriage, death and all of life's other milestones. An international bestseller, it has furnished individuals the world over with words of joy or consolation • Introduced by John Baldock, this beautiful Wibalin-bound edition makes a wonderful gift for anyone seeking insight and reflection on life's simple truths
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 605 руб.
Roberta, Phyllis and Peter have their comfortable lives in London thrown into disarray by the unexpected disappearance of their father. They are forced to move to a small cottage in the countryside with their mother, who struggles to make ends meet by writing books. The children find solace in a stretch of railway track and the station nearby, and befriend the railway porter, who teaches them about running the station, and an old gentleman who takes the 9.15 train every day. Through this love of the trains they are led on many exciting adventures, including a quest to discover the secret of their father's disappearance • One of the most popular children's books ever written, E. Nesbit's tale has enchanted generations of readers since it was first released in 1906
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 704 руб.
Alma Classics edition of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer contains 3,000 notes and 30 pages extra material • "And specially from every shires ende • Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, • The hooly blisful martir for to seke, • That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke." • Assembling at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, a group of pilgrims begin their journey to Canterbury Cathedral. To entertain themselves on the long road, their host suggests that they regale each other with stories, with the teller of the best tale set to earn a free supper • The pilgrims correspond to all sections of medieval society, from the crusading knight to the drunken cook, and their tales span a range of genres, including the comic ribaldry and deception of 'The Miller's Tale' and the story of chivalry and courtly romance told by the Franklin
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
The adventures of Mowgli, the young man raised by wolves in the jungles of Central India, and his friends Baloo the bear, Bagheera the panther and Kaa the python, as they face the arch villain Shere Khan the tiger, have become so popular that they have achieved an almost mythical status throughout the world. They were collected by Kipling in The Jungle Book and its sequel, The Second Jungle Book, which also contain other stories set in India which prominently feature animals, such as the well-known "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", which describes the struggles of a mongoose against venomous cobras • Here presented with brand-new illustrations by Ian Beck, these hugely popular tales, inspired by ancient fables and Kipling's own experiences in India, form a vivid account of the relationship between humans and nature, and will continue to inspire readers young and old
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
The Mudfog Papers, a collection of sketches by Dickens published in Bentley’s Miscellany between 1837 and 1838, describes the local politics of the fictional town of Mudfog – such as the delusions of grandeur of its mayor Nicholas Tulrumble and his disastrous attempts at putting on a public show – and the meetings of its Society for the Advancement of Everything, during which the town is overrun by illustrious scientists and professors conducting ostensibly pointless research • Written at the same time as Oliver Twist – indeed the serialized version of the novel referred to Mudfog as the protagonist’s home town – The Mudfog Papers lampoons all manner of journalistic and scientific writing of the time and showcases the young Dickens at his satirical best
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
The intelligent and charming Newland Archer – a member of one of New York’s most prominent families – is living the life that has always been expected of him: he is engaged to the beautiful and well-connected May Welland and understands the rarefied world of Fifth Avenue society inside out. However, with the arrival of May’s cousin, the free-spirited and unconventional Countess Ellen Olenska, Newland begins to doubt all that once seemed so natural to him • An extraordinarily well-observed dissection of New York high society in the 1870s – the world in which Edith Wharton grew up – The Age of Innocence shines a critical light on the social mores and values of the old order
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 701 руб.
The heir to his grandfather’s considerable fortune, Anthony Patch is led astray from the path to gainful employment by the temptations of the 1920s Jazz Age. His descent into dissolution and profligacy is accelerated by his marriage to the attractive but turbulent Gloria, and the couple soon discover the dangerous flip side of a life of glamour and debauchery • Containing obvious parallels with F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s own lives, The Beautiful and Damned is a tragic examination of the pitfalls of greed and materialism and the transience of youth and beauty
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 462 руб.
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