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Alma Books The Last Day of a Condemned Man Гюго Виктор

Alma Books The Last Day of a Condemned Man Гюго Виктор

цена 1 462 руб.
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A first-person diary of a prisoner’s final day before being executed for an unspecified crime, Victor Hugo’s poignant tale vividly conveys the mental anguish of a man confronted with the intransigent mechanism of justice, as his mind seeks refuge in recollections from his past and philosophical musings on his inevitable fate • As relevant today as when it was first published in 1829, The Last Day of a Condemned Man is an eloquent plea for compassion and a masterpiece of realist fiction. This edition includes the Preface to the 1832 edition of the book, a manifest of Hugo’s personal opinions, ‘A Comedy about a Tragedy’ and ‘Claude Gueux’, an early example of “true crime” fiction подробнее
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Inspired by Fitzgerald’s own courtship of his future wife Zelda, ‘The Last of the Belles’ centres on the Southern beauty Ailie Calhoun from Tarleton, Georgia, who finds herself the object of attention of all the officers at a nearby army base, including the narrator, Andy. A wistful and melancholy exploration of unfulfilled dreams and lost youth, the story is considered one of Fitzgerald’s finest pieces of short fiction • This volume also includes other acclaimed stories – such as ‘Jacob’s Ladder’, ‘The Swimmers’ and ‘The Bridal Party’ – written by Fitzgerald between 1927 and 1931, during the prolonged period in which he was struggling to compose Tender Is the Night
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After doubts are raised concerning the trustworthiness of Magua, Cora and Alice Munro’s Native American guide, the warrior slips away into the wilderness, and the vulnerable sisters turn to the scout Hawk-eye and the Mohicans Chingachgook and Uncas to lead them to Fort William Henry, where their father is in command. Yet Magua is sure to return with his fellow Huron warriors, and with the bloody conflict of the French and Indian War raging all around them, the Munros will have to trust their new guides if they are ever to reach the fort • Widely regarded as the first great American novel, The Last of the Mohicans, with its epic landscapes, stoic frontiersmen and noble Native Americans, created much of the mythology and romance that has wreathed the American frontier adventure ever since
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1 462 руб.
When young Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a cyclone, their Kansas farmhouse is carried off to the magical Land of Oz. Upon being told that the only way back is to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, home to the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy embarks on an extraordinary but perilous quest, in which the Wicked Witch of the West is constantly lurking around the corner • With its unforgettable cast of now iconic characters such as the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was an instant hit when it was published over a century ago, inspiring numerous adaptations and sequels • This edition contains extra material for young readers including a section on ‘Fantasy Worlds in Children’s Fiction’, a test yourself quiz and a glossary
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A glorious exercise in cheeky punmanship, The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders sees Jonathan Swift in fine scatological form. Flying by the seat of his pants, the great author treats us to a condensed biography of his posterior, enlivened by some inspired wordplay • Most famous for his celebrated masterpiece, Gulliver's Travels, Swift was the foremost satirist of his day. Also including a selection of Swift's other lesser-known works, and a very peculiar proposal to make money from public toilets, this volume will be a hilarious and illuminating read for any fans of Ireland's most illustrious wit
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"In the autumn month of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven… two idle apprentices, exhausted by the long, hot summer, and the long, hot work it had brought with it, ran away from their employer." • Under the pseudonyms of Francis Goodchild and Thomas Idle, Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins set off on a walking tour of the north-west of England, reporting back on their adventures for Dickens's magazine Household Words • A unique insight into the friendship of two of the towering figures of Victorian literature, and featuring a pair of chilling ghost stories from the leading exponents of the genre, The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a charming evocation of the adventures they experienced on their trip and the gently mocking nature of their relationship
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1 462 руб.
On a cold morning, at daybreak, the 304th New York Regiment is waiting to engage with the Confederate army. Among the soldiers is young Henry Fleming, who has enlisted against his mother's wishes and is now shaken by a sense of fear and regret at the prospect of battle. But when the confrontation begins and, fearing for his life, he escapes from the field, other feelings - above all guilt and shame for deserting and for having retreated without a wound - pierce his heart and eventually force him back into the fray • Although its author never experienced the horrors of the Civil War at first hand, The Red Badge of Courage has often been praised for its realism and the authenticity of its settings and battle scenes, as well as for the nuanced psychology of its protagonist's internal struggles
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Пол: Женский • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2019 • Семейство: древесные, пряные • Верхние ноты: кедр • Средние ноты: кипарис, мускатный орех • Базовые ноты: ветивер, пачули • Доставка духов в Москву - Gucci The Last Day Of Summer. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Гуччи Зе Ласт Дей Оф Саммер
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
24 390 руб.
Пол: Женский • Объем: 1.5 мл • Год выпуска: 2019 • Семейство: древесные, пряные • Верхние ноты: кедр • Средние ноты: кипарис, мускатный орех • Базовые ноты: ветивер, пачули • Доставка духов в Москву - Gucci The Last Day Of Summer. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Гуччи Зе Ласт Дей Оф Саммер
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
1 290 руб.
Пол: Женский • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2019 • Семейство: древесные, пряные • Верхние ноты: кедр • Средние ноты: кипарис, мускатный орех • Базовые ноты: ветивер, пачули • Тестер: да • Доставка духов в Москву - Gucci The Last Day Of Summer. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Гуччи Зе Ласт Дей Оф Саммер
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'A long-time confidante of the rain and snow, I am ninety years old. The rain and snow have weathered me, and I too have weathered them' • At the end of the twentieth century an old woman sits among the birch trees and reflects on the joys and tragedies that have befallen her people. A member of the Evenki tribe who wander the forests of north-eastern China, hers was a life lived in close sympathy with nature at its most beautiful and cruel • Then, in the 1930s, the intimate, secluded world of the tribe is shattered when the Japanese army invades China. The Evenki cannot avoid being pulled into the brutal conflict that marks the beginning of the end of life as they know it
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It all began at Constance Verity's seventh birthday party, when she defeated a giant snake - but really, it was the fault of the magic wish granted to her at her birth. She's now a master of exotic martial arts and a keen detective, and she possesses a collection of strange artefacts, mostly kept in unlabelled boxes in her apartment • But Constance has spent the past twenty-seven years saving the world, and frankly, she's sick of it. She wants an office job and a normal boyfriend - one who isn't going to get killed by who knows what - and she's figured out the way to get them. She's going to kill her fairy godmother. After all, it was Grandmother Willow who granted the wish and reset her life. The problem is, saving the world is Constance's destiny
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