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Abacus Love Over Scotland Макколл-Смит Александр

Abacus Love Over Scotland Макколл-Смит Александр

цена 2 442 руб.
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The third novel in Alexander McCall Smith's irresistibly charming series about the residents of 44 Scotland Street • Love Over Scotland is the third in this series and revolves around the many colourful characters that come and go at No. 44 Scotland Street. McCall Smith handles the characters with his customary charm and deftness: the stalwart Tory chartered surveyor, the pushy mother and, most importantly in this novel, the Italian-speaking prodigy, Bertie подробнее
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Bertie's respite from his overbearing mother, Irene, is over. She has returned from the middle-east, only to discover that her son has been exposed to the worst evils of cartoons, movies and Irn Bru, and her wrath falls upon her unfortunate husband, Stuart. Meanwhile, Bruce has fallen in love with someone other than himself; Big Lou wants to adopt her beloved Finlay; Matthew and Elspeth host the Duke of Johannesburg for supper and Bertie decides he wants to move out of Scotland Street altogether and live with his grandmother, Nicola • Can Irene and Stuart's marriage survive? Will Bruce's newfound love last? And will Bertie really leave Scotland Street? Find out in the next instalment of this charming, beloved series
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In the latest entertaining and hilarious Professor Dr Dr Moritz-Maria Von Igelfeld novel, our hopelessly out-of-touch hero is forced to confront uppity librarians, the rector of the university and a possible hostile takeover, all while trying to remain studiously above it all • Professor Dr Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld and his colleagues at the University of Regensburg's Institute of Romance Philology pride themselves on their unwavering commitment to intellectual excellence. They know it is their job to protect a certain civilized approach to the scholarly arts. So when a new deputy librarian, Dr. Hilda Schreiber-Ziegler, threatens to drag them all down a path of progressive inclusivity, they are determined to stop her in the name of scholarship - even if that requires von Igelfeld to make the noble sacrifice of running for director of the Institute
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If only Pat Macgregor had an inkling of the embarrassment romantic, professional, even aesthetic that flowed from accepting narcissistic ex-boyfriend Bruce Anderson's invitation for coffee, she would never have said yes. And if only Matthew, her boss at the art gallery, hadn't wandered into his local bookshop and picked up a particular book at a particular time, he would never have knocked over his former English teacher or attracted the attentions of the police • Whether caused by small things such as a cup of coffee and a book, or major events such as Stuart's application for promotion and his wife Irene's decision to go off and study for a PhD in Aberdeen, change is coming to serial fiction's favourite street. But for three seven-year-old boys Bertie Pollock, Ranald Braveheart Macpherson, and Big Lou's foster son Finlay - it also means a getting a glimpse of perfect happiness
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 197 руб.
"Пес, вернувшийся с холода", трогательная и веселая новая часть серии "Особняки Кондурой" рассказывает о дальнейших приключениях нового любимого персонажа Александра Макколл-Смита: терьера Фредди де ла Хэя • В благородных окрестностях "Особняков Кондурой" в Пимлико творятся странные дела, в основном во имя любви. Одинокий Уильям Френч и его верный пес Фредди завербованы на службу в МИ-6 обольстительной женщиной-оперативником, соседка Уильяма Кэролайн обнаруживает, что ее поклонник Джеймс таинственным образом исчезает, а Барбару Рэгг влечет в Хайленд расцветающий роман • Веселый и ласковый Пес, вернувшийся с холода, присоединяется к восхитительному лондонскому племени милых неудачников и подающих надежды в новой серии приключений в жизни, любви и философии
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 241 руб.
Неизменно восхитительная, ненасытно любопытная эдинбургский философ и сыщик-любитель возвращается, чтобы взяться за дело, не похожее ни на одно из тех, что у нее были раньше, - на этот раз с паранормальными последствиями - в романе "Привычки счастья", десятой части серии бестселлеров Александра Макколл-Смита • Из маленького городка под Эдинбургом приходит известие о том, что маленький мальчик делится яркими воспоминаниями о прошлой жизни: прекрасное описание острова у берегов Шотландии, который он никак не мог знать, и дома там, где, как он утверждает, провел свою прежнюю жизнь. Когда мать мальчика просит Изабель расследовать его заявления, она чувствует, что должна - конечно! - помочь им узнать правду, и они с мужем Джейми отправляются на остров
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The latest in the hugely popular 44 Scotland Street series from the worldwide bestselling author, Alexander McCall Smith • Life for Bertie seems to be moving at a pace that is rather out of his control. Upstairs, at 44 Scotland Street, his father Stuart is powerless to stop over-bearing Irene and her determination that Bertie will travel to deepest, coldest Aberdeen on a three-month sojourn. Can his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson save the day? And can the boys execute a great escape? Meanwhile, further up in the New Town, Bruce Anderson's property development plans are thwarted by a sudden crisis of conscience that leads to a shocking revelation. And, in Big Lou's cafe, it seems that love might blossom at last • Warm hearted, humorous and always wonderfully wise, Love in the Time of Bertie offers philosophical insight as well as sartorial elegance
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As summer blooms in Edinburgh's gardens and Bertie Pollock's birthday appears on the horizon, all at 44 Scotland Street is not cake and sunshine. Newlywed Angus Lordie has been booked by his bride into what he must not call the loony bin; Bruce's first encounter with hot wax brings more anguish than he bargained for; and Bertie's birthday dreams of scout camp and a penknife look set to be replaced by a game of Royal Weddings and a gender-neutral doll. But fate, an amorous Bedouin and the Dubai Tourist Authority conspire to transport Bertie's mother Irene to a warmer - if not a better - place, and once again in Scotland Street the triumph of human kindness over adversity gives cause for celebration
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