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4th Estate Cop Killer Валё Пер, Шеваль Май

4th Estate Cop Killer Валё Пер, Шеваль Май

цена 1 660 руб.
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В провинциальном шведском городке был найден труп женщины. Ночью на тихой пригородной улице произошла перестрелка между тремя полицейскими и двумя мальчиками-подростками. Детектив-инспектор Мартин Бек и его напарник Леннарт Колльберг вызваны для расследования обоих случаев. В малознакомой обстановке маленького городка они сталкиваются с фигурантами своих предыдущих дел… • «Убийца полицейских» – девятая книга классической серии детективов 1960–70-х годов про Мартина Бека, которая сформировали будущее скандинавской криминальной литературы. По мотивам серии книг был снят сериал «Комиссар Мартин Бек» • Получившая широкую известность серия «Мартин Бек» Май Шёваль и Пера Валё – это оригинальные скандинавские криминальные романы, вдохновившие таких писателей, как Стиг Ларссон, Хеннинг Манкелль и Ю Несбё подробнее
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My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The third book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo – a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin’s John Rebus or Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters’ development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The sixth book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo – a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin’s John Rebus or Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters’ development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The fifth book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo – a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin’s John Rebus or Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters’ development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The eighth book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s and 70s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • In one part of town, a woman robs a bank. In another, a corpse is found shot through the heart in a room locked from within, with no firearm in sight. Although the two incidents appear unrelated, Detective Inspector Martin Beck believes otherwise, and solving the mystery acquires the utmost importance. Haunted by a near-fatal bullet wound and trying to recover from the break-up of his unhappy marriage, Beck throws himself into the case to escape from the prison that his own life has come to resemble
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The seventh book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s and 70s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • On a quiet night a high-ranking police officer, Nyland, is slaughtered in his hospital bed, brutally massacred with a bayonet. It's not hard to find people with a motive to kill him; in fact the problem for Detective Inspector Martin Beck is how to narrow the list down to one suspect. But as he investigates Nyland's murder he must confront whether he is willing to risk his life for his job
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The first book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s - the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo - a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin's John Rebus or Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters' development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
The fourth book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s - the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo - a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin's John Rebus or Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters' development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 147 руб.
The second book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s – the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing • Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo • Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo – a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin’s John Rebus or Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters’ development and get drawn into the series as a whole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 845 руб.
Пер Валё и Май Шеваль – шведские журналисты, авторы знаменитого цикла романов о комиссаре Мартине Беке, удостоенных престижных литературных наград, как в Европе, так и в Америке • Детективный жанр под пером супругов Валё и Шеваль «перестает быть игрой воображения и развлекательным чтивом, оторванным от действительности» («Таймс»). Безусловно, в каждом романе есть трудная головоломка, которую должны решить полицейские под началом Мартина Бека, но есть и второй план: Швеция того времени, со всеми ее проблемами и противоречиями. Читатель следует за преступником по реальным стокгольмским улицам, знакомится как с лучшими, «парадными» местами шведской столицы, так и с ее «злачными» уголками • В настоящую книгу вошли первые четыре романа декалогии: «Розанна» (1965), «Швед, который исчез» (1966), «Человек на балконе» (1967) и «Рейс на эшафот» (1968)
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
618 руб.
Май Шеваль и Пер Валё – шведские журналисты, авторы знаменитого цикла романов о комиссаре Мартине Беке, удостоенных престижных литературных наград, как в Европе, так и в Америке • Мартин Бек и его коллеги в новой серии расследований сталкиваются с убийствами, которые, судя по личности жертв, кажутся логичными и даже закономерными. Но знание мотивов преступлений нисколько не приближает полицейских к их разгадке. Только особое качество комиссара Бека, которое он сам называет «полицейской интуицией», позволяет потянуть за нужные ниточки и распутать весь клубок • В настоящую книгу вошли три романа декалогии: «Человек по имени Как-его-там» (1969), «Полиция, полиция, картофельное пюре» (1970) , по мотивам которого в 1979 году на Рижской киностудии был снят фильм под названием «Незаконченный ужин», и «Негодяй из Сефлё» (1971)
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
560 руб.
Манок для охоты на белолобого гуся серии Pioner • Манок на гуся серии Pioner станет отличным помощником для охоты на белолобого гуся или гуся гуменника. Наша компания предлагает потребителю гусиный манок из качественного поликарбоната • Гусиный манок серии Pioner обладает звонким, призывным голосом. Данный манок способен имитировать крики птиц в низких и высоких тонах • Манок прост в использовании: для получения высокого тона необходимо достаточно сильно выдохнуть воздух в манок, для получения более низких тонов необходимо подавать воздух в манок без усилий, прикрывая рукой мундштук манка • Манок Mankoff – гарантия качества и высокого результата • Для получения правильного звука необходимо найти положение руки, в котором манок дает гусиные «гудящие» звуки
Многозор.ру г. Москва
1 155 руб.
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